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Cooperation Goes with Competition

In our times,cooperation and competition spread over the of them speed up the wheel of economy and enrich the intelligence of is possible to accomplish a complicated program by only one person we know,the more cooperation a company depends on,the more efficient it will become in business.

Furthermore, we can’t avoid competition in our time to time,we compare ourselves with others,expecting to catch up with is the spirit of competition,by which we pursue the highest is only by competition in the market that a company can raise its it not for competition,say,all of us would not enjoy what we have achieved.



第五级:优秀作文(effective communication with accuracies) 这样的作丈观点清楚,结构合理,内容充实,语言运用得体,基本没有语言错误。得分在18-20分。

第四级:良好作文(good communication with few inaccuracies) 这样的作文观点明确,结构合理,内容充实,语言运用较得体,稍有语言错误。得分在15-17分。

第三级:尚可作文(passable communication with some inaccuracies) 这样的作文观点明确,结构完整,内容尚可,语言运用的.得体性一般,语言错误不少,影响到作文的理解。得分在14-12分。

第二级:问题作文(problematic communication with frequent inaccuracies) 这样的作文观点不甚明确,结构不完整,内容匮乏,语言得体性较差,语言错误较多,影响到作文的理解。得分在11-9分。

第一级:失败作文(almost no communication)这样的作文基本没有达到写作要求,几乎无结构和内容可言,通篇充斥语言错误,无语言得体性可言,作文难以理解。得分在8-6分或以下。


1. 注意概述与评论的衔接,衔接不当可能会失分。

2. 注意概述与评论的比例要适当,概述部分所占比例不得多于1/3, 否则比例不当会扣很多分。

3. 概述部分可以适当用原文的部分词语,但不可全部照抄原文,否则会扣分。